The five parishes of the Hukeley Mission Community include some of the most beautiful and historic churches in England. We hold a range of worship on Sundays, with festivals and events throughout the year. Our call to the community is to meet God, to hold to the faith in Jesus and to be motivated and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

As Christians
We believe in God, who creates and relates to us as our Father, who calls us to follow the example of his Son Jesus, to love and serve. The Holy Spirit of God empowers us as we worship and work together for peace and justice. Please explore our website and find out more about us. Or better still come and join us at one of our services.
As a Church
We are part of a varied group of five countryside churches, making up the Hukeley Mission Community. You can find information about the other churches within the Mission Community elsewhere on our website. We are part of the Deanery of Tiverton and Cullompton, which is one of twenty five Deaneries that make up the Diocese of Exeter. The Diocese of Exeter is one of forty two in the Church of England.
Join us
and be part of the Christian life here in Mid Devon