
We have a range of worship services including more formal Book of Common Prayer Eucharists, Holy Communion using Common Worship, or Morning Prayer on Sundays. We also have a monthly informal service for children in the church on a Saturday morning and a monthly informal service starting at 5pm in the Bampton Library And Resouce Centre (LARC) called ‘Live@5’ with more contemporary music and forms of prayer.

There is no dress code for any of our services – just come as you are, you would be most welcome. We often have tea, coffee and biscuits after and sometimes before a service and a chance to chat and catch up with one another.

There are Baptism services available for those who wish to commit their children (or sometimes themselves as adults) to the Christian way of life. Couples can apply to be married at our churches. If there has been a death and you would like some help then we can offer support.